In the Google Books version (I do not have an original) the Index comes next after the Preface. It is made of two pages, both unnumbered.
Note that this Index was intended by Hamilton and Irvin to be used in place of a Table of Contents and thus is at the beginning of the Grammar instead of at the end.
=====begin Index, unnumbered page===
Remarks on the alphabet --- 9
Parts of speech ---------- 15
Nouns, of, -------------- 15
-" gender of ------------ 16
-" case of -------------- 17
- " number of ----------- 18
- " denoting kindred, ----- 19-22
Adjectives, ------------- 23
- " comparison of, ------- 23-25
- " numeral, ------------ 26-28
Article, ---------------- 28
- " indefinite ----------- 28-29
- " definite ------------ 29
Adverbs, ---------------- 30
- " list of, -------------- 30-32
- " affixes and suffixes, ---- 33
Prepositions, ------------ 34
- " affixes and suffixes, ---- 35
Conjunctions, ------------ 36
- " list of, --------------- 37
- " enclitical, ------------- 38
Interjections, ------------- 39
- " list of, --------------- 39
Pronouns, --------------- 40
- " personal, ------------- 40-41
- " declension of, ---------- 41
- " remarks on, ------------ 42-44
- " fragment, -------------- 44
- " declension of, ---------- 41
- " adjective, -------------- 46
- " -- " demonstrative, ------ 46
- " -- " indefinite, ---------- 46
- " -- " interrogative, -------- 47
===end page===
===begin page===
- " -- " relative, -------------- 47
- " -- " declension of, ---------- 47
Verbs, ---------------------- 48
- " conjugation of, ------------- 59-61
- " -- " -- conj. of, active voice ---83-94
- " -- " ---------- passive, " ---- 95
- " -- " ---------- middle, " ---- 96
- " -- " ---------- reciprocal, " -- 96-104
- " moods of, ----------------- 50-53
- " -- " -----formation of, ------ 61-62
- " -- participles, -------------- 57-58
- " -- number of, -------------- 64
- " -- Person of, with the changes of the
-----fragment-pronoun (rules) -- 65, 67, & 69, 73
- " --- exceptions to rules, ------ 67, 68, 74-76
- " --- adjectives &c. used as, ---- 79, 80
- " --- compound, ------------- 71-72
Of the change of a into ae, ------- 72, 74, 124
Of the change of the fragment-pronoun in
--the passive and reciprocal voices, -- 73-74
Verb -- to be, ------------------- 80-81
Verbs, rule to find the, ground form --- 81
-- " Formation of moods and tenses, table of, - 82
-- " conj. of, examples of differnt [sic], -- 111, 115
-- " -- "--------" ---- reciprocal voice - 115, 117
Irregular verbs, -------------------- 118-119
Examples of the different positions of the
--------fragment-pronouns -------- 120
-- " ---of verbs derived from adjectives, 121, 122
-- " ---of the conjugation of compound verbs - 123
-- " ---miscellaneous, -------------- 124-126
Verb -- u, to do ------------------- 126
General remarks, ------------------- 128
Rules, -------------------------- 132- 139
Appendix ------------------------ 151
===end of page===
Compare to Google Books' Ioway Grammar, given as pp 6-7